This is where our paths meet.
We understand that COVID-19 has made things challenging. If you are a Kiwi looking to return home or someone who is considering relocating to New Zealand in the future we would be interested in hearing from you.
If you are keen to make the move to New Zealand within the next 6 – 12 months, we will be able guide you through the options that are available.
We are Waka Kotahi – NZ Transport Agency.
‘Waka’ means ‘vessel’ and ‘kotahi’ means ‘one’, so our Māori name conveys the concept of ‘travelling together as one’ and embraces integration, affordability, safety, responsiveness and sustainability.
We shape New Zealand’s transport networks and people’s safe and efficient use of them. We are growing with a recently announced $6.8 billion NZ upgrade programme on top of our current operating budget ensuring we will deliver an increasing programme of work every year.
We have amazing opportunities for you, and if you have the skills we need, this is where our paths meet. Look through the jobs below or reach out and make a connection.
Our future path
With an exciting programme of projects in planning and development, we have opportunities available for professionals in the core areas of project management and transport planning. We’re looking for people in the field of engineering as well as other professionals with specialist technical knowledge in areas such as asset management, health and safety, and structures.
With our focus growing beyond traditional transport delivery, we are also interested in people with urban design, active transport and place-making skills, who have a passion for the ways transport can connect communities and improve the way we live.
Whether you’re looking to relocate to New Zealand on your own, with family for the first time, or you've been abroad and are looking to return home, we have a lot to offer as a country and as an organisation.
Who we are
Waka Kotahi – NZ Transport Agency delivers transport infrastructure and services on behalf of the NZ Government, connecting New Zealand by creating more choices for how they travel and journeys that are safe and reliable.
As a public sector agency, we take pride in working to international, best practice quality and standards. We are interested in your international experience, with a particular focus on health & safety, improved delivery efficiency, and more sustainable social, environmental and economic outcomes.
What we do
Our people are involved in every aspect of the transport system, from strategic planning and policy, through design, guidelines and standards, to contract and commercial management in project delivery, maintenance and operations. Core to our work is our collaboration with local government – we co-invest, provide investment advice and support, and ensure that together we benefit our communities.
Working for Waka Kotahi – NZ Transport Agency, our people work across a range of different projects. Our delivery portfolio and co-investments include bike paths that get students to school safely, safety programmes that work to reduce deaths and serious injuries on our state highways and local roads, multi-partner programmes that are changing the way people move around our cities, and major projects that connect our cities and towns.
Life in New Zealand
Where would I work and live
Our people are located throughout New Zealand in our biggest cities of Auckland and Wellington as well as in growing regional centres in both the North and South Island.
What is the lifestyle like
New Zealand is also a great, safe place for children, with so many recreational activities and a world-class education system that is largely free. For more information check out New Zealand Now.
What's the cost of living?
What it costs to live in New Zealand may be quite different from your home country and will vary depending on where you will be based. Find out more here.
Frequently asked questions
Yes, unless you are a New Zealand or Australian citizen or permanent resident.
There may be a number of visas you are eligible to apply for – each with its own criteria and application process. Full information can be found at Immigration NZ
Waka Kohtahi – NZ Transport Agency are an Accredited Employer. This enables us to recruit suitable candidates from other countries to work under the Talent (Accredited Employer) Work Visa. This visa allows you the right to work in NZ for at least 24 months. With this visa you can start the Start your pathway to residence in New Zealand.
You must be under 55 years of age at the time of applying for the Talent (Accredited Employer) Work Visa and meet the Immigration New Zealand health and character requirements.
If you are offered a position, we will offer a relocation package to help you make the move to New Zealand.
Once you have applied or connected with us, we will be endeavour to keep you updated on timeframes and processes and how this will apply to you during this period. We acknowledge that timeframes will differ depending on individual circumstance.